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Residency Match

2018 Anesthesiology Residency Match offers excitement, diversity

By Dr. Arthur L. Calimaran

It’s a very exciting time to find out all the amazing medical students we matched! Our program will be welcoming eight interns and two clinical anesthesia residents this July. 


Luiz Filho, M.D.
Universidade Federal Fluminese 


Jason Johnson, M.D.
University of Tennessee


Renee Marchegiani, D.O.
West Virginia School

Clayton Newell, M.D.

Clayton Newell, M.D.
University of Mississippi


Robert Onion, M.D.
Texas Tech University


Elliott Pennington, M.D.
University of South Alabama


Annilin Severns, M.D.
University of Louisville


Kathleen Valentine, M.D., J.D.
University of Mississippi


Stefan Medina, M.D.
Universidad Central del Caribe (PR)


Anthony Turner, M.D., M.B.A.
University of Buffalo

This class has diverse interests and diverse backgrounds and should work well together as a team. The class is made up of remarkable individuals, including a lawyer, an MBA, a former anesthesiologist from Brazil, a recipient of a medical student educational endowment, an avid fishermen, a rare coin collector, and three with first-author publications.

This year’s recruitment season encompassed a review of more than 500 applications and interviews of 86 applicants. These numbers give an idea of the investment this department makes in making sure we recruit students who are not just the brightest, but also “good fits” for our residency program.

This is one of the strongest classes we have had and we look forward to having each of the class members join our Department of Anesthesiology family.